Tuesday 19 October 2010

Trying to kick it off.

I never really know how  to introduce myself whenever I decide to start a new blog.I haven't blogged for a few years and now I think it's a good time to re-start.It's an attempt to try to be prolific at something. I have always enjoyed writing,but like most of us who have, I don't have pretensions of becoming a published writer, but I do intend to keep writing to get a bit of perspective on certain things.

Unfortunately, like a big percentage of our generation, I'm a bit of a mess, a bit of a lost soul who used to think I was so incredibly special, and then I found out I actually can't do fuck-all, and my egocentric philosophical trips just turned out be egocentric philosophical trips and not a new school of thought.

At this particular moment I'm in one of those lows in life - everything is going so wrong that you're actually happy to go through it, because at some point it'll stop raining shit on you and you'll be able to see the sun again. It's the eternal rain of shit/sunshine with margaritas cycle.

When you live in London, the rain of shit does last a little longer, it's more frequent and the stench doesn't let you forget what it's like to be shit-rained for a long time. But it's all apprenticeship. I do love life (not MY life at this point, no - I love the idea of what it will become), and unfortunately when you're young and foolish you gotta take a lot (A LOT!!!!) of shit until you get it figured out.

I should stop here, as I have started playing with my relentless useless so-called "life wisdom" (a.k.a. profound stuff the youth mumbles about in the bar after a whole week of double shifts in low-paid jobs). As I put the thoughts in my head in a certain order I will write them down properly and decently, as if I want anyone to come here and maybe identify themselves and maybe share about the storms of shit that has hit their lives before the sun finally came out of the brown clouds, I must at least write something slightly clever. I'm lazy and not very inspired today, but I desperately needed to initiate this blog. Otherwise it would become one of those things you put in one of your to-do lists, and you never do it, and it haunts the hell out of you as another sign of your eternal disorganisation.

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